Carrier VRF provided a heating and cooling solution for a new construction civilian airport featuring a 5,000 square foot terminal in the California desert. The system's variable speed compressors delivered comfort within a wide spectrum of load requirements. From a very high-traffic, hot, high load days down to very mild days with low traveler volume, Carrier VRF can respond with simultaneous heating and cooling with a high level of energy efficiency.
Carrier VRF heat recovery system was used to convert an abandon nursing facility into a quiet comfortable environment for the Albert Einstein Academy. The original building would not easily support large mechanical systems, there would be a variety of space requirement styles from small offices to large cafeterias, they wanted to achieve a LEED Silver certification and they needed to comply with California's Title 24 requirements. The VRF system is estimated to reduce the school's energy usage by 31.9%.
Delivering balanced, efficient comfort to a battleship is a special kind of challenge. Because of the small footprint, long line lengths and flexibility of Carrier VRF, the Battleship Ward Room, meeting and event space, could deliver conditioned air where it wasn't available before. This opened up rentable space that hadn't before existed.
Connect™ wi-fi® commercial thermostats and Swarm Logic® seamlessly blend to create a 'virtual' building automation system.